
On request, we will be happy to send you our publications in PDF format.


Pirkelmann, S.; Raether, F.; Seifert, G.: ICME für die Keramikentwicklung, NAFEMS-Magazin, 2/2023, Ausgabe 66, S. 45-50.

Seifert, G.; Ziebold, H.; Friedrich, H.: Sustainable Thermal Processes for Shaped Refractories through Digitalization, Refractories Worldforum, 15/2023, 2, S. 45-40.

Pirkelmann, S.; Sharba, S.; Seifert, G.; Friedrich, H.; Raether, F.: FE Modelling of Refractories' Material Properties Based on 3D Microstructural Analysis, Proc. of UNITECR, 2023, S. 692-694.

Pirkelmann, S.; Schweiger, D.; Friedrich, H.; Seifert, G.: Simulation-Based Assessment of Refractory Materials, Refractories Worldforum, 14/2022, 2, S. 47-52.

Seifert, G.; Agné, T.; Gebert, M.; Nause, M.; Winter, Ch.;: Sustainable Production of Sanitaryware by Digitalization of the Firing Process,
CFI Ceramic Forum International, 99/2022, Nr. 4, S. E81-E85.

Pirkelmann, S.; Raether, F.; Seifert, G.: Top-down material design of multi-phase ceramics, Open Ceramics, Vol. 9, 2022, S. 100211.

Seifert, G.; Ziebold, H.; Raether, F.: Optimization of Debinding Using Experiment-Based Computational Concepts, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 98/2021, Nr. 3, S. E51-E55.

Hofbauer, P.J.; Rädlein, E.; Raether, F.: Finite element modeling of reactive liquid silicon infiltration, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 40, Issue 2, Februar 2020, S. 251-258. (Abstract)

Raether, F.; Seifert, G.; Ziebold, H.: Simulation of Sintering across Scales, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2/2019, 1900048, S. 1-19. (Abstract)

Raether, F.; Seifert, G.: Modeling Inherently Homogeneous Sintering Processes, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 1/2018, 1800022, S. 1-8. (Abstract)

Raether, F.; Seifert, G.: Integrated Computational Ceramics Engineering - an Approach to Radically Reduce Time-to-Market, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 95/2018, Nr. 11/12, S. E21-E27.

Ziebold, H.; Raether, F.; Seifert, G.: Radical Time Reduction of Debinding Processes by Combined in-situ Measurements and Simulation, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 95/2018, Nr. 1/2, S. E37-E40.

Seifert, G.: Design am Computer, Multiskalen-Simulation von CMC-Materialeigenschaften, Carbon Composites Magazin, 1/2018, S. 39-40.

Brockmann, D.; Staab, T.; Raether, F.: The influence of sintering additives on the microstructure and material properties of silicon nitride ceramics investigated by advanced simulation tools, Physica Status Solidi A, 6/2017, 1600634, S. 1-7. (Abstract)

Raether, F.: Ceramics Facing Competition with other Materials, Ceramic Applications, 4/2016, S. 57-61.

Winkler, D.E.R., Staab, T.E.M., Müller, T.M., Raether, F.G.: Using a novel microstructure generator to calculate macroscopic properties of multi-phase non-oxide ceramics in comparison to experiments, Ceramics International, Vol. 42, Issue 1, Part A, 2016, S. 325-333 (Abstract)

Raether, F.: Parameters for Inherently Homogeneous Sintering Processes, Advanced Engineering Material, 17/2015, Nr. 9, S. 1374-1382. (Abstract)

Müller, Th.; Raether, F.: 3D modelling of ceramic composites and simulation of their electrical, thermal and elastic properties, Computational Materials Science, 81/2014, S. 205-211. (Abstract)

Iuga, M.; Raether, F.: FEM Simulations of Microstructure Effects on Thermoelastic Properties of Sintered Ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27/2007, S. 511-516. (Abstract)

Raether, F.; Iuga, M.: Effect of particle shape and arrangement on thermoelastic properties of porous ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 26/2006, S. 2653-2667. (Abstract)

Iuga, M.; Raether, F.: Simulation of the thermoelastic properties of sintered ceramics, Advances in Science and Technology, 45/2006, S. 89-94. (Abstract)

Kraft, T.; Riedel, H.; Raether, F.; Becker, F.: Simulation des Brennprozesses bei der Herstellung von Gebrauchskeramiken, Keramische Zeitschrift, 54/2002, S. 374-381.


Richter, M.; Glaser, L.; Maier, J.; Dandekar, G.: Preparation and characterisation of ceramic bone foams by direct foaming processes; MSE Congress 2024, Darmstadt, 9/2024. (Poster)

Grippi, T.; Béhar-Lafenêtre, S.; Friedrich, H.; Haas, D.; Schenderlein, U.; Marinel, S.; Manière, C.: Finite Element simulation for Si3N4 heating and sintering, Journal of the European Ceramic Society (in press)

Maier, J.; Greuel, M.; Hausruckinger, M.; Oppmann, M.; Waterman, C.; Schug, B.: Design of Induction Heatable Carbon-Based Foams for Catalysis, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol. 96, 4/2024.

Nöth, A.; Maier, J.; Vogt, J.; Raether, F.: Strategies for the Development of Environmental Barrier Coatings for High Temperature Applications,
CFI Ceramic Forum International, 2/2022, E1-E6.

Maier, J.; Nöth, A.: Wet-chemical coating of silicon carbide fibers with hexagonal boron nitride layers, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 41/2021, Nr. 13, S. 6207-6212. (Abstract)

Nöth, A.; Maier, J.; Schönfeld, K.; Klemm, H.: Wet chemical deposition of BN, SiC and Si3N4 interphases on SiC fibers, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 41/2021, Nr. 5, S. 2988-2994. (Abstract)

Vogt, J.; Nöth, A.: Slurry-Based Environmental Barrier Coatings for Silicon Carbid and its Composites – a Straightforward Approach, Ceramic Applications, 8/2020, S. 32-36.

Scholz, H.; Vetter, J.; Herborn, R.: Rüdinger, A.: Oxide Ceramic Fibers via Dry Spinning Process - From Lab to Fab, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 17/2020, S. 1636–1645. (Abstract)

Friedrich, H.; Wagner, R.; Sauerzapfe, K.: Development and Application of Electrically Conductive Ceramics, Ceramic Applications, 7/2019 (2), S. 35-39.

Vogt, J.: Cost-Efficient Directly Foamed Ceramics for High-Temperature Thermal Insulation, Ceramic Applications, 1/2019, S. 50-55.

Raether, F.: Thermische Eigenschaften technischer Keramiken, in: Kollenberg, W. (Hrsg.): Technische Keramik, Vulkan Verlag, Essen 2018, S. 84-108.

Nöth, A.; Neubauer, G.: High Temperature Ceramics for Light-Weight Kiln Furniture, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 94/2017, S. E24-E28.

Vogt, J.; von Issendorf, F.: High-temperature and corrosion-resistant perforated boards for porous burner flame traps by gelcasting, Ceramic Applications, 5/2017, S. 71.  

Stepanyan, M.; Seifert, G.; Weiß, T.: Why not Using Ceramics – Trends from Ceramics Research, Ceramic Applications, 2/2017, S. 78-79.

Nöth, A.; Vogt, J.: High-temperature stable gas-tight sealings for plasma-sprayed ceramic components, Ceramic Applications, 2/2016, S. 66.

Schmitt, V.; Raether, F.: Effect of Cobalt Doping on the Sintering Mechanisms of the Lead-Free Piezoceramic (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 , Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 34/2014, Nr. 1, S. 15-21. (Abstract)

Raether, F.; Arefin, M.L.: Kinetic field approach to study liquid phase sintering of ZnO based ceramics, Ceramics International, 36/2010, S. 1429-1437. (Abstract)

Huang, X.; Raether, F.: Role of impurities in the sintering behaviour and properties of lead zirconate titanate ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92/2009, S. 2011-2016. (Abstract)

Arefin, M. L.; Raether, F.; Dolejš, D.; Klimera, A.: Phase formation during liquid phase sintering of ZnO ceramics, Ceramics International, 35/2009, S. 3313-3320. (Abstract)

Thimm, A.; Raether, F.; Klimera, A.; Ruska, J.: Sintering of aluminium nitride substrates for the electronic industry. Special edition of Ceramic Forum international: Thermal process engineering in the ceramics industry; M. Herrmann, R. Clasen (eds.), Göller Verlag, Baden Baden, 2008, S. 24-28.

Klimera, A.; Raether, F.; Ruska, J.: Improving Strength by Controlling Segregation in Liquid Phase Sintered Aluminium Nitride Ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27/2007, S. 1419-1424. (Abstract)


Kapessov, M.; Glaser, L.; Rüdinger, A.: Development and analysis of ceramic reinforcing fibers with improved thermomechanical properties, MSE Congress 2024, Darmstadt, 9/2024. (Poster)

Glaser, L.; Todt, A.; Albert, D.; Eckardt, C.; Ficker, F.; Grosch, S.; Herborn, R.; Pirkelmann, S.: Development of a fibre-reinforced near-net-shape Airfoil made of highly rigid Oxide ceramics (AirfOx), Verbund 2024, Freiburg, 5/2024. (Poster)

Malinverni, C.; Salvo, M.; Ziętara, M.; Cempura, B.; Kruk, A.; Maier, J.; Prentice, C.; Farnham, M.; Casalegno, V.: A Yttrium Aluminosilicate Glass-Ceramic to Join SiC/SiC Composites, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 44 (2024) 6, 3579 - 3587. (Abstract)

Schmidt, J.; Eckardt, C.; Rüdinger, A.: Lightweight Hot Structures from Oxide Ceramic Matrix Composites, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 6/2022, S. E39-E44.

Grosch, S.; Ficker, F.: Using 3D Weaving for Additive Manufacturing of Ceramic Preforms, Ceramic Applications 10/2022,  S. 62-65.

Vierhaus, P.; Schmidt, J.; Rüdinger, A.; Maier, J.: Low-Cost Ceramic Matrix Composites for Applications at Intermediate Temperatures, Refractories Worldforum, 2/2021, S. 20-24.

Eckardt, C.; Friedrich, M.; Wamser, T.; Wolff, N.; Metzger, K.: Faserverstärkte Keramik-Armierungen für den Rohrleitungsbau, Chemie Technik, April 2019, S. 38-40.

Konschak, A.; Anzer, C.; Ficker, F.: Anforderungsgerechte textile Halbzeuge und Z-verstärkte Preformen für Hochleistungsfaserverbundkeramiken, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 8/2018, S. D11-D16.

Knoeckel, G.; Ficker, F.; Anzer, C.; Bohlender, M.; Hegermann, R.; Weise, D.; Konschak, A.: Vernadelte Radialgewebe-Sandwich-Preformen für keramische Reibbeläge, TextilPlus, 3-4/2018, S. 27-30.

Shi, Y.; Hönig, S.; Frieß, M.; Rüdinger, A.; Pritzkow, W.; Koch, D.: Manufacture and characterization of oxide ceramic matrix composites out of commercial pre-impregnated fabrics, Ceramics International, 44/2018, S. 2320-2327. (Abstract)

Klemm, H.; Kunz, W.; Wamser, T.; Rüdinger, A.; Weiß, R.; Lauer, A.; Wilhelmi, C.; Machry, T.; Hofmann, S.; Koch, D.: Hot Gas Stability of Various Ceramic Matrix Composites, Advances in High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites and Materials for Sustainable Development; Ceramic Transactions, Vol. CCLXIII, Juli 2017, S. 253-260. (Abstract)

Potzernheim-Zenkel, C.; Kühl, H.; Rüdinger, A.: Technische Keramiken - Werkstoffe für extreme Bedingungen, DGM im Blickpunkt - Hochleistungskeramik, Mai 2017, S. 6-9.

Konschak, A.; Mahr, J.; Schulte, R.; Schmidt, J.: Energieeffiziente Herstellung von C/C-SiC-Bauteilen mittels induktiv beheiztem modularem Schnellsintersystem, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 10/2016, S. D16-D20.

Nöth, A.; Rüdinger, A.; Pritzkow, W.: Oxide Ceramic Matrix Composites – Manufacturing, Machining, Properties and Industrial Applications, Ceramic Applications, 3/2015, S. 48-54.

Nöth, A.: Fabrication of large diameter SiC monofilaments by polymer route, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 34/2014, Nr. 6, S. 1487-1492. (Abstract)

Raether, F.: Ceramic Matrix Composites – an Alternative for Challenging Construction Tasks, Ceramic Applications, 1/2013, S. 45-49.

Rüdinger, A.; Pritzkow, W.: Die Entwicklung oxidkeramischer Faserverbundwerkstoffe am Fraunhofer ISC / Zentrum HTL in Zusammenarbeit mit W.E.C. Pritzkow Spezialkeramik, Keramische Zeitschrift, 65/2013 [3], S. 166-169. (Abstract)

Nöth, A.; Hietel, D.; Rothmann, M.: Fabrication and upscaling of spinning processes for ceramic high-tech fiber production, Chemical Fibers International, 1/2013, S. 42-44.

Sha, J.; Hausherr, J. M.; Mucha, H.; Konschak, A.; Krenkel, W.: Microstructure Changes Caused by the Interaction of Fiber-Matrix during the Carbonization, High Temperature Ceramic Materials and Composites, Hrsg. W. Krenkel, J. Lamon, AVISO Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin, 2010, S. 143-148.

Hausherr, J. M.; Koch, C.; Krause, M.; Herrmann, C.; Krenkel, W.: Correlation Between Fiber Orientation and Mechanical Properties of Short-Fiber C/C Composites, High Temperature Ceramic Materials and Composites, Hrsg. W. Krenkel, J. Lamon, AVISO Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin, 2010, S. 289-295.

Composite Manufacturing

Vogt, J.; Seifert, G.; Raether, F.: Towards Ceramic Production via Digitalization and Additive Manufacturing, Ceramic Applications, 9/2021, S. 36-44.

Erhard, P.; Angenoorth, J.; Vogt, J.; Spiegel, J.; Ettemeyer, F.; Volk, W.; Günther, D.: Characterization of Slurry-Cast Layer Compounds for 3D Printing of High Strength Casting Cores, Materials 2021, 14, 6149.

Vogt, J.; Stepanyan, M.; Erhard, P.; Günther, D.; Garching, S.; Schmalzl, F.; Gläser, S.: Slurry-based 3-D-printing of Casting Cores, Casting Plant & Technology, 03/2021, S. 30-35.

Raether, F.; Vogt, J.: From Prototyping to Serial Production – 3D-Printing in Ceramic Manufacturing, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 3-4/2020, S. E45-E50.

Vogt, L.; Schäfer, M.; Kurth, D.; Raether, F.: Usability of electrophoretic deposition for additive manufacturing of ceramics, Ceramics International, 45/2019, S. 14214-14222. (Abstract)

Gadelmeier, C.; Schmidt, J.: Joining of Ceramic and Metal parts, Ceramic Applications, 5/2017, S. 59-66.

Gadelmeier, C.; Schmidt, J.; Göthe, M.; Jovanovic, D.; Zietkowski, M.; Eckardt, C.; Gorywoda, M.: Adhesive Bonding of Oxide Ceramics for Complexe Ceramic Parts in High Temperature Furnaces, Materials Science Forum, 825-826/2015, S. 279-286 (Abstract)

Gadelmeier, C.; Schmidt, J.; Göthe, M.; Jovanovic, D.: Characterization of Furnace Sintered Mullite and Oxide Ceramic Matrix Composites (O-CMC) by Using Glass Solders, Advances in Science and Technology, 88/2014, S. 162. (Abstract)

Baber, J.; Raether, F.: Production of oxide ceramic coatings on glass by laser sintering, Glass Science and Technology, Glastechnische Berichte, 73/2000, S. 211-215. (Abstract)

Thermal Processes

Grippi, T.; Béhar-Lafenêtre, S.; Friedrich, H.; Haas, D.; Schenderlein, U.; Marinel, S.; Manière, C.: Finite Element simulation for Si3N4 heating and sintering, Journal of the European Ceramic Society (in press)

Duminica, F. D.; Karuppasamy, M.; Dawance, F.; Baber, J.; Friedrich, H.; Guaino, P.: Printed Electronics by Plasma Spraying: Case Study for High Temperature Sensors, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2024. (Abstract)

Grippi, T.; Béhar-Lafenêtre, S.; Friedrich, H.; Haas, D.; Schenderlein, U.; Marinel, S.; Manière, C.: Densification modeling for gas pressure sintered silicon nitride-based ceramics with Thermo-Optical dilatometry, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 44/2024, S. 822-830. (Abstract)

Grippi, T.; Béhar-Lafenêtre, S.; Friedrich, H.; Haas, D.; Schenderlein, U.; Marinel, S.; Manière, C.: Grain growth modeling for gas pressure sintering of silicon nitride based ceramics, Materials Today Communications, 34/2023, S. 105189. (Abstract)

Friedrich, H.; Raether, F.: Sustainable Thermal Processes in Ceramic Production, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 100/2023, Nr. 3, S. E1-E5.

Hofbauer, P.J.; Raether, F.: Effects of Oxygen on the Liquid Silicon Infiltration (LSI) Process, Open Ceramics, 14/2023, 100337.

Seifert, G.; Ziebold, H.; Raether, F.: Optimization of Debinding Using Experiment-Based Computational Concepts, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 98/2021, Nr. 3, S. E51-E55.

Seifert, G.; Kirschen, M.; Raether, F.: Innovative Verfahren zur Verbesserung der CO2-Bilanz bei der Stahlherstellung, stahl., 2/2021, S. 50-55. (Zeitschrift)

Hofbauer, P.J.; Rädlein, E.; Raether, F.: Finite element modeling of reactive liquid silicon infiltration, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 40, Issue 2, Februar 2020, S. 251-258. (Abstract)

Raether, F.; Seifert, G.; Ziebold, H.: Simulation of Sintering across Scales, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2/2019, 1900048, S. 1-19. (Abstract)

Hofbauer, P.J.; Rädlein, E.; Raether, F.: Fundamental Mechanisms With Reactive Infiltration of Silicon Melt Into Carbon Capillaries, Advanced Engineering Materials, 21/2018, Issue 8, 1900184, S. 1-11. (Abstract)

Raether, F. (Hrsg.): Nachhaltige Wärmebehandlungsprozesse systematisch entwickeln, ISBN 978-3-8163-0728-0 , VDMA-Verlag, Frankfurt, 2018. (Publikation auf Anfrage erhältlich)

Raether, F.; Seifert, G.: Integrated Computational Ceramics Engineering - an Approach to Radically Reduce Time-to-Market, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 95/2018, Nr. 11/12, S. E21-E27.

Ziebold, H.; Raether, F.; Seifert, G.: Radical Time Reduction of Debinding Processes by Combined in-situ Measurements and Simulation, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 95/2018, Nr. 1/2, S. E37-E40.

Raether, F.: EnerTHERM – a Joint Effort for Energy and Cost Efficient Heat Treatments, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 92/2015, Nr. 5/6, S. E37-E40.

Raether, F.: The kinetic field - a versatile tool for prediction and analysis of heating processes, High Temperatures-High Pressures, 42.4, 2013, S. 303-319. (Abstract)

Raether, F. (Hrsg.): Energieeffizienz bei der Keramikherstellung, ISBN 978-3-8163-0644-3 , VDMA-Verlag, Frankfurt, 2013. (Publikation auf Anfrage erhältlich)

Raether, F.: Energy efficiency during production of ceramics, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 10/2013, Nr. 10, S. E1-E4.

Raether, F.: Energy and cost reduction with heat treatment of ceramics, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 88/2011, Nr. 6/7, S. E43-E46.

Raether, F.; Schulze Horn, P.: Investigation of sintering mechanism of alumina using kinetic field and master sintering diagrams, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 29/2009, S. 2225-2234. (Abstract)

Raether, F.; Klimera, A.: Methods of Measurement and Strategies for Binder Removal in Ceramics, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 85/2008, Nr. 13, S. 5-11.

Raether, F.; Klimera, A.; Baber, J.: In-Situ Measurement and Simulation of Temperature and Stress Gradients during Sintering of Large Ceramic Components, Ceramics International, 34/2008, S. 385-389. (Abstract)

High Temperature Characterisation

Duminica, F. D.; Karuppasamy, M.; Dawance, F.; Baber, J.; Friedrich, H.; Guaino, P.: Printed Electronics by Plasma Spraying: Case Study for High Temperature Sensors, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2024. (Abstract)

Raether, F.; Baber, J.; Friedrich, H.: Thermal Management of Heating Processes - Measuring Heat Transfer Properties, Refractories Worldforum, 11/2019, S. 59-65.

Raether, F.; Friedrich, H.; Baber, J.: ThermoOptische Messverfahren (TOM) für die Hochtemperatur-Prüfung von Feuerfestwerkstoffen, Prozesswärme, 1/2019, S. 63-68.

Seifert, G.; Raether, F.; Baber, J.: A New Device for Measuring Hot Thermal Shock, Thermal Cycling and Other High Temperature Properties of Refractories, Refractories Worldforum, 1/2018, S.77-84.

Brendel, H.; Seifert, G.; Raether. F.: Approximative Derivation of the Extinction Efficiency for Stratified Cylinders, Optics Communications, 391/2017, S. 141-147. (Abstract)

Brendel, H.; Seifert, G.; Raether. F.: Determination of thermal diffusivity of fibrous insulating materials at high temperatures by thermal wave analysis, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 108, Part B, 2017, S. 2514-2522. (Abstract)

Brendel, H.; Seifert, G.; Raether, F.: Heat Transfer Properties of Hollow Fiber Insulation Materials at High Temperatures, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, August 26, 2016. (Abstract)

Seifert, G.; Schmitt, V.; Raether, F.: New Techniques for the Determination of Refractory Material Properties at High Temperatures, Refractories Worldforum, 3/2015, S.77-84.

Müller, T. M.; Meinhardt, J., Raether, F.: Impedance spectroscopy on ceramic materials at high temperatures, considering stray fields and electromagnetic noise, Review of Scientific Instruments, 84/2013, 015118.

Raether, F.: Current state of in-situ measuring methods for the control of firing processes, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92/2009, S. 146-152. (Abstract)

Raether, F.; Meinhardt, J.; Kienzle, A.: Oxidation Behaviour of Carbon Short Fibre Reinforced C/SiC Composites, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27/2007, S. 1217-1221. (Abstract)

Baber, J.; Klimera, A.; Raether, F.: In situ measurement of dimensional changes and temperature fields during sintering with a novel thermooptical measuring device, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 27, Issues 2-3, 2007, S. 701-705. (Abstract)

Klimera, A.; Raether, F.; Schulze Horn, P.: In Situ Investigation of debinding of non-oxide ceramic, Advances in Science and Technology, 45/2006, S. 1684-1689. (Abstract)

Meinhardt, J.; Woyke, T.; Raether, F.; Kienzle, A.: Measurement and simulation of the oxidation of carbon fibers and C/SiC ceramic, Advances in Science and Technology, 45/2006, S. 1489-1494. (Abstract)

Raether, F.; Springer, R.; Beyer, St.: Optical dilatometry for the control of microstructure development during sintering, Material Research Innovations, 4/2001, S. 245-250.

Springer, R.; Raether, F.; Caps, R.; Manara, J.: In Situ Measurement of Light Scattering in Porous Ceramics During Sintering, High Temperatures - High Pressures, 2/2000, S. 385-390.

Raether, F.; Springer, R.: In-Situ measurement of neck formation during sintering of alumina by a novel thermooptical measuring device, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2/2000, S. 741-744. (Abstract)

Raether, F.; Hofmann, R.; Müller, G.; Sölter, H. J.: A Novel Thermo-Optical Measuring System for the in situ Study of Sintering Processes, Journal of Thermal Analysis, Vol. 53, 1998, S. 717-735. (Abstract)

Material Testing

Seifert, G.; Hausherr, J. M.: Monitoring and Assessment of the Effect of Defects in Ceramics, CFI Ceramic Forum International, 7-8/2020, S. E37-E40.

Hausherr, J. M.; Wagner, L.; Gorywoda, M.: Fabrication of Artifical Defects and their Effect on the Mechanical Properties of C/C-SiC, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 40, 2020, Nr. 3, S. 636-641. (Abstract)

Neubrand, A.; Shi, Y.; Konschak, A.; Koch, D.: Ermittlung der Eindringhärte keramischer Verbundwerkstoffe, in: Christ, H.-J.: Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand: Prüftechnik - Kennwertermittlung - Schadensvermeidung, Düsseldorf, Stahlinstitut VDEh, 2019, S. 355-360.

Hausherr, J. M.; Eitel M.; Krenkel, W.: Determination of Material Properties for Short Fibre Reinforced C/C-SiC, Proceedingband Workshop on Testing and Modelling Ceramic and Carbon Matrix Composites, WCMC 2014. (Abstract)

A. Neubrand, A.; Hausherr, J. M.; Lauer, A.; Weiss, R.; Wilhelmi, C.: Investigation of cutting-induced damage in CMC bend bars, Proceedingband Workshop on Testing and Modelling Ceramic and Carbon Matrix Composites, WCMC 2014. (Abstract)

Hausherr, J. M.; Herrmann, C.; Spatz, C.; Krenkel, W.: Qualitative und quantitative mikrostrukturelle Untersuchungen der Werkstoffe bei der Herstellung von C/SiC-Hochleistungskeramiken mittels Computertomografie, Verbundwerkstoffe, Hrsg. W. Krenkel, WILEY-VCH Weinheim, 2009, S. 233-240. (Abstract)

Herrmann, C.; Hausherr, J. M.; Krenkel, W.: Einsatz der Computertomografie zur zerstörungsfreien Prüfung und Charakterisierung von Faserverbundwerkstoffen, Verbundwerkstoffe, Hrsg. W. Krenkel, WILEY-VCH Weinheim, 2009, S. 249-256. (Abstract)

Hausherr, J. M.; Krenkel, W.: Non-Destructive Testing Techniques for CMC Materials, Ceramic Matrix Composites, Hrsg. W. Krenkel, WILEY-VCH Weinheim, 2008, S. 261-285. (Abstract)