Currently Funded Project

Simulation-based optimization of the thermal post-treatment of additively manufactured green bodies


Additively manufactured zirconium dioxide shells
© CADdent GmbH
Additively manufactured zirconium dioxide shells

The additive manufacturing of ceramics is not yet as widespread as with metals or polymers. One of the reasons for this is the more complex thermal post-treatment of ceramic components. Currently, the thermal post-treatment of additively manufactured ceramics is optimized by several iteration loops on the complex geometries, which is not very resource and energy efficient. Improving digital design and production processes (especially thermal post-treatment) will make production more sustainable and faster.


Presentation of the process optimization resulting from the project
© Fraunhofer Centre HTL
Presentation of the process optimization resulting from the project

The aim of the SinSim3D project is to research and develop a simulation tool for the automated adaptation of digital data sets. This tool is intended to select optimal material and geometry-specific parameters for the thermal treatment process step of additively manufactured green bodies. The simulation is intended to avoid failures and unnecessary production loops. The simulation results make it possible to significantly accelerate the production process, avoid unnecessary energy and material consumption and enable the use of the material for complex geometries that cannot be produced with the current state of the art.


Simulation app for the debinding of ceramic components
© Fraunhofer Centre HTL
Simulation app for the debinding of ceramic components
  • Adaptation and validation of the thermoprocessing models to the ZrO2 material system produced by LCM manufacturing
  • Systematic analysis of the thermal processing
  • Development of algorithms for automatic optimization of the temperature cycle in conjunction with anticipation of mould distortion

Project Data

Project Duration 1.7.2024 - 30.6.2027
Funding by Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
Funding Amount HTL 181,000 Euro
Project partner CADdent GmbH
Projekt coordination CADdent GmbH
Projektmanagement at HTL Heiko Ziebold