Export Control / Customs

Export control regulations limit foreign trade for security policy reasons. This includes the transnational exchange of goods, services, and know-how with third parties. Customs regulations limit the exchange of goods with third-party states und primarily ensure the protection of the economy, the control of imports and exports that require authorization and permits, and the implementation of bans and restrictions. At the Fraunhofer-Center for High-Temperature Materials and Design HTL, we are compliant with all regulations, which apply to the import and export of goods, services, and information.


Contact Person for Export Control


Alexandra Schott, Telefon: +49 931 4100-133, E-Mail: alexandra.schott@isc.fraunhofer.de


Contact Person for Customs


Tamara Zahn-Wenisch, Phone: +49 921 78510-931, E-Mail: tamara.zahn-wenisch@isc.fraunhofer.de