While digitalization has made significant progress in many areas of industrial production, high-temperature processes are often still largely analog in design, monitoring, and control. Therefore, Fraunhofer Center HTL has been developing concepts for several years to advance digitalization in the field of high-temperature processes. A key element here is the so-called digital furnace twin: These are computer models of existing or yet-to-be-developed furnace systems that can reliably simulate the functionality of industrial furnaces. The goals are to optimize and increase the flexibility of the control of existing systems and to significantly accelerate the development of new furnaces. In this current research focus, the HTL is developing – among others in the project DiMaWert - efficient methods for coupling heat flows in the furnace to in-house predictive thermo-process models (debinding, sintering, etc.) as well as techniques for a computationally efficient multiscale mapping of large industrial furnace systems. The main development directions of the digital furnace twins are speed (goal: digital twin for furnace control) or precision (goal: virtual furnace development).