About Us

Fraunhofer Center for High Temperature Materials and Design HTL ensures energy-efficient thermal processes and thus makes an important societal contribution to the implementation of climate protection goals. It offers consulting, component and process development, sampling, measurements, and special equipment. To this end, the HTL is organized into two business areas: "Materials and Components" and "Processes and Devices".

Materials and Components

At the HTL, materials and components are developed using systematic experimental and computer-based methods (Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, ICME). The expertise ranges from component design, material selection and material design to process design and prototype production. The material expertise is focused on ceramics and Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs). As the only R&D facility in Europe, the HTL covers the complete technology chain for CMCs from fiber production to textile fiber processing and CMC manufacturing. It can use highly automated pilot-scale equipment for this purpose and offer customized solutions. Ceramic components can be manufactured using various 3D printing processes, and the HTL is also developing new 3D printing processes.

Processes and Devices

In addition to high-temperature components, new furnace systems - based on digital twins - are developed at the HTL and thermal treatment processes are designed or optimized. A special feature is that the input data for the computer simulation are obtained with specially developed thermo-optical measurement methods and sensors, which significantly increases their reliability. In addition, the simulation results are validated with conventional analytics, non-destructive and mechanical testing methods as well as specially designed high-temperature measuring systems. The HTL develops and manufactures customized equipment for product control and feedstock processing.

Quality Management

The HTL is certified according to ISO 9001:2015. It has over 90 employees and an annual budget of 7 million euros.

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Fraunhofer Center for High Temperature Materials and Design HTL

High Temperatures - Efficient Solutions

Fraunhofer Center HTL currently has around 90 employees at its three locations in Bayreuth, Würzburg, and Münchberg. For our customers, we offer over 4,700 m² of laboratory and technical space with state-of-the-art equipment.

Location in Bayreuth

At the Bayreuth location, the HTL received a new research building in 2015, consisting of a three-story office building with an attached technical facility. The technical facility covers an area of approximately 2,000 m² and includes 15 laboratories and halls ranging in size from 30 to 200 m², with varying heights between 4 and 7 m. All rooms are equipped with high-quality laboratory equipment, including a central compressed air and gas supply.

In 2019, a fiber pilot plant was completed directly adjacent to the main building of the HTL in Bayreuth. The plant is used to scale up the ceramic reinforcing fibers developed at the Würzburg site to an annual capacity of several tons. The technical facility of the HTL was expanded by approximately 1,200 m² with the addition of this new building.

The Bayreuth location has a variety of highly specialized technical equipment, including:

At the Bayreuth location, there are 80 office workstations available on an area of 600 m². In addition, there is a separate meeting area with flexibly divisible conference rooms. The area is set up for a maximum of 150 participants and a maximum of four separate meeting rooms.

Location in Würzburg

At the Würzburg location, the HTL uses facilities of its parent institute Fraunhofer ISC. Located on the institute's area at Neunerplatz 2, it has three laboratories and a technical center with a total area of 500 m². The installed equipment is primarily used for the development of ceramic fibers, coatings, and fiber testing. In order to set up spinning towers, the technical center has a ceiling height of 8.5 m. The infrastructure allows for the processing of spinning masses and green fibers under high-purity gas conditions. The spinning processes are designed for a capacity of up to approximately 1 kg of fibers per month.

There are various spinning machines available for air or inert atmosphere, as well as for laboratory and pilot plant scale:

  • a laboratory spinning machine for up to 100 filaments (dry spinning process, inert conditions)
  • a laboratory spinning machine for up to 150 filaments (dry spinning process and 2-component spinning process, air)
  • a pilot plant spinning machine for up to 1,000 filaments (dry spinning process, inert conditions)
  • a pilot plant spinning machine for up to 1,000 filaments (melt or dry spinning process, air or inert conditions)

The HTL occupies 20 office workstations with a total area of 130 m² at the Würzburg location. In addition, the HTL uses the infrastructure of the parent institute, such as workshops, meeting rooms, etc.

Location in Münchberg

At the Münchberg location, the HTL has created an interface for the textile processing of inorganic, especially ceramic materials with its Application Center for Textile Fiber Ceramics (TFK). Through cooperation with the Hof University of Applied Sciences, optimal conditions for the development, production and testing of textile components are provided on the campus of the Institute of Materials Science in Münchberg. This includes a weaving, braiding, nonwoven and knitting technical center as well as laboratories for chemical finishing and testing on an area of over 5500 m².

In 2020, a Textile Competence Center was inaugurated in Münchberg. The approximately 1,000 m² technical hall is equipped with state-of-the-art textile machinery, including machinery for the production of 3D fabrics, which is also used by TFK employees. In addition, in cooperation with the State Agency for the Testing of Textiles located on site, the testing procedures at the HTL are complemented by numerous facilities for testing fibers, rovings and textiles.

Fraunhofer Center HTL consists of two business areas, each with four subject-specific teams and the Center for Textile Fiber Ceramics, as well as an administration. The details can be found in the organization chart.

Fraunhofer Center for High Temperature Materials and Design HTL


Fairs and Appointements


Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC in Würzburg