
In addition to mechanical and non-destructive testing methods and procedures for high-temperature characterization, Fraunhofer Center HTL has numerous analysis methods for characterizing liquids, suspensions, and solids. The composition, structure, and flow properties of various raw materials, intermediate and finished products are determined using the appropriate analysis methods. Due to the variety of available analysis methods, the most suitable method for the specific question can be selected. The HTL works closely with the Center for Applied Analytics ZAA at the parent institute ISC, where the following analysis methods are available in particular:

  • Chemical analysis: X-ray fluorescence, wet chemical digestion, optical emission spectroscopy
  • Microstructure analysis: X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy and wavelength dispersive X-ray analysis, transmission electron microscopy
  • Surface analysis: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, topographic measurement
Process-Related Analysis Methods

Further process-related methods available at the HTL supplement chemical analyses (elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy), provide rheological information (viscometer, Hall flow meter), and characterize pores (nitrogen adsorption/desorption), material densities (Archimedes and He density, bulk and tapped density), and particles (Fraunhofer diffraction, electrokinetic sonic amplitude, sieve analysis). In combination with light and electron microscopy, different ceramographic preparation methods are available.

Chemical Resistance and Corrosion Tests

Additional methods are available at the HTL for chemical resistance and corrosion tests. Material resistance tests can be carried out in acidic and basic solutions as well as in different gases and gas mixtures. Additionally, different temperature and pressure conditions can be realized. We carry out salt spray tests according to DIN EN ISO 9227 and, through our chemical analytics, are able to precisely examine and document corrosion damage and material changes. Corrosion tests can also be performed with in-situ weight measurement at high temperatures in different atmospheres.

Service Offering:

  • Implementation of process-related analyses on behalf of customers
  • Selection of appropriate analysis methods
  • Adaptation of analysis methods and transfer to the customer
  • Damage analysis